Biscoff Cookie Cheesecake Bites have a Biscoff cooke crust, cheesecake with Biscoff cookie dough chunks, and topped with a dollop of Biscoff cookie butter for good measure.
You know those cookies that Delta gives you as your in-flight snack? They’re crispy and have a really distinctive taste that somehow taste familiar but at the same time is just can’t be recreated? They’re called Biscoff cookies, for those of you who never paid attention to the wrapper as you ripped it off to devour the cookies, and for those of ya’l behind the band-wagon/party train/foodie-bus/vehicle-that-moves-faster-than-you-can-walk-that-cool-people-ride, they have started making a spread out of their cookies. It’s called cookie butter. It’s literally like peanut butter but made out of cookies. I tastes exactly like the cookies (because it is).
Personally, I’ve never really gotten much behind cookie butter. I’ve always been aware of it and know that it’s a fad, but just the idea of eating essentially blended cookie is hard for me. Like when do you eat it? You know it’s blended cookie, there is no denying the fact that if you eat it you are eating cookies. So it’s not really an every day breakfast food or a snack, and for dessert there are so many other things to eat. It’s just hard to work out when to eat it. Buuuut, it’s excellent for baking.
I recently flew to Minnesota to visit Molly at college, and when you put us together you know the baking world is going to hear about it. While I was there, we baked these whoopie pies, and tried cookie dough Oreos. We brainstormed possibilities for those, including a cookie-dough Oreo crust cheesecake with cookie dough chunks in it (Hopefully to make an appearance on here soon). So, I had cookie dough and cheesecake on the brain. And then I was flying back home on Delta and they gave me a Biscoff cookie and it was really just a logical thought progression to come up with the idea for Biscoff Cookie Cheesecake Bites.
I hadn’t had a Biscoff cookie in years. I just hadn’t flown Delta in ages, but as soon as I had a bite of one, I remembered the super distinct taste again. I just couldn’t place a finger on what the flavor combination was. Like gingerbread sans molasses? Cinnamon? Brown sugar? So I looked up homemade recipes, and I think it’s some sort of combination of the three. There’s a lot of cinnamon (yay!), equal brown sugar to white sugar (double yay!), and other spices, like ginger from gingerbread.
You can just as easily make these with regular store-bought Biscoff cookies, but I didn’t want to buy the whole box and have them not get eaten, and I was interested to see what the flavors were. And mine turned out pretty darn close to the real thing. And you’ll have leftovers, so you can enjoy them plain as well.
You may notice that I got the cheesecake recipe for these Biscoff Cookie Cheesecake Bites from a book called Lose Your Middle Aged Middle. Don’t be alarmed. We found the recipe a while ago and it made really delicious cheesecakes and it’s just been my go-to recipe for mini cheesecakes ever since, because why stray from the familiar, tried, tested, and true? And in the book, the recipe called for Splenda, and I used sugar. It doesn’t make it healthy per-say, but it does make them lighter, which is good to balance out the decadence of everything else. If you’re really hesitant to have anything light in these cheesecakes (totally understandable), then feel free to substitute your own, heavier cheesecake recipe.
One thing I did not do that I realize I should have is freeze the cookie dough balls. If you freeze them, they’ll turn out like actually cookie dough chunks instead of sort of half-baked, not-quite-cookie-not-quite-dough consistency and taste I had. Personally, I’m not complaining about it, but it would probably have a more cookie dough feel if you froze them.
Noting that, you should probably make all the parts for these Biscoff Cookie Cheesecake Bites in this order:
1. Cookie dough (giving it time to freeze)
2. Biscoff Cookies (if you’re making them homemade)
3. Crust
4. Cheesecake
So you could always make the cookie dough a day ahead, then the Biscoff cookies the next day. It could be a thee to four day process if you wanted. Or if you’re impatient like me, just a one day one 😉
I am surprised by how photogenic these Biscoff Cookie Cheesecake Bites look. As delicious as they were, they were not the prettiest of creations. But you know what the say: “Slap a dollop of blended cookie on top of anything and it’s going to look great.” (What? People don’t say that? Are you sure? I think they should. Because it’s true.)
Biscoff Cookie Cheesecake Bites
Cookie Butter Cookie Dough
- 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
- pinch of salt
- 1/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
- 1/2 cup cookie butter
- 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1 1/2 teaspoons whole milk
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Biscoff Cookie Crust
- 3/4 cup Biscoff cookies
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 4 teaspoons white sugar
- 4 teaspoons brown sugar
Vanilla Cheesecake
- 2 8-ounce packages cream cheese
- 1 cup sour cream
- 1 cup half and half
- 4 large eggs
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 4 teaspoons vanilla extract
Make the cookie dough:
- Beat everything in a big mixing bowl with a hand mixer. It will be a little bit more crumbly that regular cookie dough, but that is okay.
- Freeze in balls or just keep in little crumbles.
Make the cookie crust:
- Grind up Biscoff cookies in a food processor until they are crumbs. Combine in a small bowl with the butter and sugars.
- Press cookie crust into cupcake tins.
Make the cheesecake:
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- In a bowl, combine cream cheese, sour cream, half and half, eggs, sugar, and vanilla and blend until smooth.
- Pour evenly into cupcake pan and bake for 20-25 minutes.