With oatmeal, dark chocolate, and fresh raspberries, these Oatmeal Raspberry Dark Chocolate Scones are a wholesome yet tasty breakfast treat to make any morning a little more special. Best enjoyed with a warm cup of coffee or tea. These. Are the best scones ever. Being both a baker and an anglophile, I’ve made my fair…
Strawberry Champagne Cupcakes
Happy New Year! We’re having Champagne Cupcakes. Christmas is over, which is always sad, but the New Year brings lots of exciting things! All those dreams of resolutions that will never happen, but that’s fun to pretend will happen. All the ideas of fresh starts, even if you’re in school and are in the middle…
Mango Pina Coladas
Nothing says summer like Pina Coladas. Especially when they’re Mango Pina Coladas. People always say winter is the time for reflection and growth and such, and that summer is the time to live life, have fun, blah blah. But I’ve always found that summer is my time for reflection. Or maybe I’ve just an introvert…
Blueberry Lemon and Vanilla Layer Cake
I was going to title this, “Vanilla Cake with Lemon Cheesecake Filling, Milk Crumb, and Blueberry Frosting” but that seems like a lot. Even “Blueberry Lemon and Vanilla Layer Cake” is a lot. There’s just a lot of layers in this cake. But it’s definitely worth it. School started last Monday and it’s hit me…
Strawberry Cheesecake Crumb Bars
Happy summer everyone! I’m in high school, so I still follow a school-year schedule, and as of yesterday, I am officially on summer break! It’s lovely. The end of the year always gets so busy as people realize that you need to finish everything up (hello, teacher who assigned us a book to read with a…
Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Sandwich Cookies
It broke 80 degrees the other day. Actually, it broke eighty five degrees the other day. So to me, it’s officially summer. Of course, I’m still in school, trudging through the last 10 days, with teachers frantically trying to teach us things in ten days when really they should just be wrapping up and letting…
Orange Dreamsicle Cupcakes
It’s getting to be the time of year again where I am ready for school to be over and for summer to start. To use the slang common amongst teenagers, I am “so done” with school. So done. I’m ready to not have to go through all the same classes every day, I’m ready for…
Lemon Pistachio Rolls
Easter approaches! Have you planned your Easter breakfast and/or brunch menu yet? If not, may I make a small suggestion? You include these tangy, sweet Lemon Pistachio Rolls. We’ve taken your classic cinnamon roll and spruced it up for spring with the sweet lightness of citrus and earthiness of pistachio. Honestly, what two flavors capture the spring aesthetic better?…