Nothing says summer like Pina Coladas. Especially when they’re Mango Pina Coladas.
People always say winter is the time for reflection and growth and such, and that summer is the time to live life, have fun, blah blah. But I’ve always found that summer is my time for reflection. Or maybe I’ve just an introvert and I do that year round. But with the school schedule, it only makes sense. Summer is the time when I’m not constantly flying between school and after-school events and homework. It’s a time to breathe! To actually be by myself for more than an hour a day! To think back on the experiences of the year and look forward/plan for the ones to come in the new year!
Summer always starts with that weird week or so where I feel lost. Like, what do I do now? I must have homework to do? Aren’t I forgetting something? What do I even do when I don’t have any requirements? Why am I here? (It can spiral). But by the second week I hit my do-nothing groove.
Well, I actually do quite a lot of things. But the schedule is so much more flexible and I love it. It leaves time for random musings and plenty of reading and television watching. As well as planning for the future. Next year! Will be exciting! I go about my day regularly but a during a lot of things I have the thought, “I wonder how I’ll do this next year” or “I should do that next year.” And I need to decide what my aesthetic will be. Not that I radically change who I am every year, but summer is always a time to look at yourself and think, “I’ll try to be better at this.”
(ie. I really need to work on my RBF before I meet a ton of new peers next year.)_
Also, my summer jam has surfaced! It’s George Ezra’s new single Don’t Matter Now. I enjoy dancing around to it in the kitchen.
Which brings me to these Mango Pina Coladas. They’re just like normal Pina Coladas, but better, because there’s also mango.
Every time you take a sip you can hear George Ezra saying “It don’t matter now.” Cuz guess what doesn’t matter any more? High school. Which definitely fits my high-school-is-over-I-can-start-fresh-it-is-summer-after-all vibe. It’s a friendly reminder not stress too hard.
It also helps that it tastes like a tropical vacation. Even when it’s 80+ degrees and humid/raining outside, in suburban Indiana.

Mango Pina Coladas
- 1/2 a pineapple
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- 1/2 cup Bolthouse Farms mango juice
- 1 cup Halo Top vanilla ice cream (or, any other vanilla ice cream)
- Extra coconut milk and mango juice as desired
- 1. Blend together pineapple, mango juice, and coconut milk.
- 2. Freeze into ice cube or popsicle molds.
- 3. Once frozen, blend with vanilla ice cream and a splash of the mango juice or coconut milk (mango juice if you want a stronger fruit flavor, coconut milk if you want it creamier, or both if you want a mix).
- 4. Once fully blended to the consistency you like, pour into cups.
- 5. Bonus points if you have umbrellas and straws.
- 6. Close you eyes and sip it and imagine you’re in the Turks and Caicos.
- Serving Size: 1